Basketball with a Twist

For millions around the world, basketball is a fun way to connect. But, for a group of seniors at Horace Greeley High School, the sport is more than just that. Entering the laid-back Westchester Jewish Basketball Association (WJBA), this league has one unusual defining trait. Each team consists of Jewish high school students who are not playing on varsity teams in order to continue the league’s casual but competitive environment. This creates opportunities for those who don’t play basketball competitively to partake outside of school.
Ethan Golub, a senior Varsity Basketball captain and non-playing head coach of the team, sat down with us to discuss their unusual league. Golub said that players James Monica, Charlie Goodstadt, and Corey Aries have been their finest performers thus far this season, leading the team to a current 7-6 record at the end of the regular season.
Coach Golub raved about how much fun being on the team has been, explaining that while his squad faces the typical struggles of any other, they are able to maintain the intended light-heartedness of the WJBA. He added that playing for the team has strengthened the bond he shares with his friends and would advise any student to follow in their footsteps and start their own team.
When asked why he and his friends started their journey playing with this group, Golub explained, “We heard a lot about it from grades above us and thought it would be great for our entire friend group to have a team together.” He then hinted on the easy-going aspect of the competition, saying that “it allows those of us who don’t play basketball to participate, which is entertaining to see.”
The inspiration from the older class that Golub described seems to have permeated the junior class as well. The younger boys followed suit, creating their own team while sharing the name “Matzah Ballers.” This connection through Jewish basketball has created a Greeley identity for non competitive but interested basketball players. We want to again thank Golub for his time to talk to us, and wish him and the team the best of luck in seasons to come!