In Greeley’s diverse club roster, the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) club stands as one of the largest and most influential clubs. SADD’s core values include educating students about the dangers of destructive behaviors, such as drug and alcohol use, texting while driving, and bullying.
The mission of the SADD club is to empower students to successfully confront the risks and pressures that challenge them throughout their daily lives. Throughout the year, SADD engages in many events such as the CODA conference where many SADD clubs come together to strategize and discuss how they are spreading alcohol and drug awareness across their campuses. Co-President and Greeley senior Sophie Cook shared, “Joining the SADD club has definitely been one of the best experiences during my time at Greeley so far. SADD is a warm community that I look forward to meeting with each week as everyone is included and connected towards a common goal of creating a healthier student body.”

At Greeley, SADD holds Red Ribbon Week in the last week of October. The Red Ribbon campaign is the largest drug abuse prevention campaign in the United States. The movement started in 1988 in response to an incident in 1985, when Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, a Drug Enforcement Administration Agent, was killed in Mexico while working to prevent drug dealers from bringing illegal drugs into the United States. After Camarena’s funeral, his friends and family started to wear red ribbons to show their respect for his hard work to keep people safe and drug-free. This led to the national Red Ribbon Week. During Red Ribbon Week, members of the SADD club decorate the cafeteria with red decorations and posters to spread awareness of the harm of drugs and alcohol. SADD also hosts fun team-building events such as the annual movie night and lemonade stand.
SADD club is not only impactful at the high school but at the middle schools as well. In previous years, members of the SADD club have gone to the middle schools to speak to the students and educate them about the dangers of substance abuse. This year, there has been a new development of SADD Junior, which is a new club at the middle schools. SADD junior is a great way for middle schoolers to gain awareness of harmful substances and set them up for making healthy choices in the future while providing valuable skills, similar to the SADD club at the high school.

SADD club member and sophomore Aarush Dhand says, “The SADD community is hardworking and committed. I like how you can become friends with whoever you talk to in the club.” The club has a very welcoming atmosphere, and there are many different club roles and responsibilities that one can take on to support the club. Sophomore Dahlia Luo shares, “I joined the SADD club later in my freshman year, but I never felt left out or that I had joined too late. Initially, I joined because my friends were involved, but I soon discovered that SADD had an important mission and was a community that I wanted to be a part of.” Members of the club have found that they have experienced community growth within the club and a personal impact as the knowledge shared in the club can be utilized in the outside world.
SADD club stands as a powerful advocate for positive choices and a safer future for students. Due to the sense of community and valuable skills and resources supplied, club members are empowered to make safe and healthy decisions regarding alcohol, drugs, vaping, and mental well-being, among other things. Through the efforts of SADD, this information is made accessible to the entire Greeley community.